Melissa Fabros

Software engineer experienced in working with legacy code, remote coding teams, and productive communication with non-technical clients. Seeking full-stack, site-reliability, or platform engineering opportunities with organizations invested in a growth-mindset and curiosity-driven culture.

Languages and Frameworks:
Python Jinga SQL Javascript React.js
jQuery Ruby on Rails SQLAlchemy Bootstrap
Git Node.js Django Elm
Travis Jenkins Selenium Unittest Doctest
Jasmine Enzyme Karma Mocha
Open Source Contributions:
Jupyter Notebook WebLogo Lektor CMS Numenta
Open Stack Kivy/ Android for Python aimacode/Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Peter Norvig and Stuart J. Russell

Rails Girls Summer of Code Fellowship: Lektor Content Management System

Awarded a competitive international grant to work on a selected open source software project.Contributed to Lektor CMS, a flexible and powerful static content management system for building complex and beautiful websites out of flat files — for people who do not want to make a compromise between a CMS and a static blog engine. Contributions include: Provide test coverage for front-end React.js coverage, improve UI experience, expand localization coverage, enhance documentation.
Tech Stack: Python, Node, React, JSX, Less, HTML, CSS
Blog: Rails Girls Summer of Code Blog


A GoodReads-for-Kids styled web-responsive application for Berkeley Unified in Literacy Development mentors and scholars BUILD-Reads tracks a student progress by logging his daily reading progress, personal book ratings, and comments.
Tech Stack: Python, Flask, Jinga, SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap, jQuery, AJAX, Google Books API, Khan Academy API, Graph Labs machine learning library.

Grand Unified Distribution

A data visualization project to illustrate a thesis in A Field Guide to Continuous Probability Distributions for the Crooks Lab at the Lawerence Berkeley National Lab. The data visualization illustrates the relationships between a “Grand Unified Distribution” and 28 major probability distributions.
Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, Jquery, Javascript

Emoji Cypher

Encode text into emoji symbols. The application takes in text input and image input to select a key for the cypher. The text input will be translated on the fly to corresponding emoji symbols. A text-emoji toggle switch will convert the emoji-encrypted message into plain text again.
Elm is functional language that compiles to native Javascript.
Tech Stack: Elm, CSS, Github Pages

Grand Unified Distribution

A data visualization project to illustrate a thesis in A Field Guide to Continuous Probability Distributions for the Crooks Lab at the Lawerence Berkeley National Lab. The data visualization illustrates the relationships between a “Grand Unified Distribution” and 28 major probability distributions.
Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, Jquery, Javascript

Google Summer of Code Internship: WebLogo

A "Sequence Logo" is a graphical representation of RNA, DNA, or protein multiple sequence alignments. This GSOC project refactored portions of a popular web tool, WebLogo, for managing Sequence Logos. The project modified WebLogo's front-end to enable the web application's use on mobile computing devices and to incorporate dynamic web features, modernized the HTML and CSS to meet Responsive Design standards, and added substantial capabilities around Sequence Logo upload, download and sharing data across cloud-based storage.
Tech Stack: Python, CGI, Bootstrap, Dropbox API, Google Drive API
Blog: Google Summer of Code Blog

Public Server Center, UC Berkeley: Bridging Berkeley Logs

A Web application that logs mentored tutoring sessions with students in the Bridging Berkeley Math tutoring program.
Tech Stack: Python, Flask, Bootstrap, Google Sheets API